Turn of the century, Busto Arsizio. In the town’s cotton mill, the tale of a man of the century moves to the fast pace of his looms: automatic and jacquard, they create increasingly complex designs. A true novelty at the time. It is 1901 and in the heart of what will become the most prolific industrial hub in Italy, Ottorino Maderna gives life to Erica Industria Tessile. His dream of producing top quality Italian fabrics sold all over the world has already come true.
The company’s past intertwines with the history of Italy, and mirrors it. Growth in the twenties, debut of exports in the forties, exponential expansion abroad in the sixties. Erica’s textile production transforms: its furnishing fabrics will be worn by a new generation of Italians, with jacquard and plain-weave fabrics now destined for tailored garments. This is the new face of a modern company gearing up to become a leader in the fashion sector.
From cotton mill to prêt-à-porter: in the seventies, its fabrics reach the Milan catwalks, the latest fashion capital in an increasingly fast-paced and connected world. The new internal style office, a natural evolution of the company, becomes a breeding ground for young creative talent. Today it is run by Denise De Lange, and each year comes up with unique collections to present at major international trade fairs.
Innovating by treasuring the past. Evolving while remaining true to tradition. Today, like yesterday, the company is a leader in the creation of textile prints featuring original and customised motifs. Tailor-made designs that celebrate the Italian know-how loved by markets around the world.